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Beechworth Camera

Beechworth Camera Club is for people who love the Art of the Image and want to get together to share what they do.

Our Focus


The Creative

As photographers we are interested in light, colour, shape and movement. We study these in the world around us to tell a story or create a mood. We want to share this with others. 

The Technical

When capturing what we see around us we, obviously, use cameras and enhance what we capture sometimes in the darkroom but more often on computer. We want to learn the best ways to do this to express the intent of the images we captured in the first place.

The Social

We enjoy being around people with a common interest and the desire to share what we know or find out from them how to better understand what makes great images and how to capture and subsequently share them.


About Beechworth Camera

The Beechworth Camera Club, or Shutterbugs was created by Quercus in Beechworth in 2022 to provide a vehicle for residents of the town, and beyond to share their knowledge and love of photography. It meets at the Oregon Hall just up the hill in Ford Street in Beechworth. Usually on the third Saturday of the month at at 11:00am unless other arrangements have been made.




As we described above we come together for three things, The Creative, The Technical and The Social. We can't do all this on our own. We need to draw on the experiences and skills of others. We need to share what we already know. The Masterclass is the mechanism to enable this to happen. We will invite "experts" to share what, how and why they do the things they do. This page will introduce the experience and knowledge people will share and when and how this will take place. If you can suggest people who would be able to share their knowledge and experience the Committee would love to hear.

Build a Blog

Rick Box

21 October 2023

A great way to share your photos is on-line. Rick will describe how to build a blog using the free application Wix, and how to use it.

Affinity for Affinity

Rick Box

20 May 2023

Rick will introduce the photo processing app Affinity Photo to the group

The Photo Masters

Steve Routledge

16 September 2023

It is always inspiring to visit the work of the great photographers throughout history. It helps us improve our own work.

Birds of Beechworth

Michael Bink

19 August 2023

Michael has offered to share his knowledge and amazing skill in photographing birds around Beechworth later in the year.

Large Format Cameras

Steve Routledge

17 June 2023

Steve is a very experienced photographer who is a film fan. He and Rob Preston use 4x5 large format cameras. Will be great to see how these masterful machines work.



After we take our photos it is natural that we want to share them. During the year we can do this by uploading to the Camera Club Facebook or Website and talk over, at subsequent meetings, what we like about each other's photos. We can also give each other useful and valuable feedback about what we can do to improve. 


Submit your best photos for the month by clicking the Share button above, Login, Choose a Category and Submit or, upload to Facebook.

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A Book

It would be good if we could publish individual books of the work we do over the year. The might be photos we take with the group over the year or... anything. The process of producing a book is interesting, and fun

An Exhibition

At the year we can display our best images for the year. Each photographer can select a set number of photos keeping in mind that the collection should tell a story and represent our style.


End of Year Exhibition

21 October 2023

A few of us have had a discussion about finishing the year off with an exhibition. What do you think?


Take five photos that reflect different moods

Autumn Colour

22 April 2023

Autumn is nearly here. We'll notice colour coming to leaves and grasses around us. Find a place near here and document the change.

The Dog

18 March 2023

Many of us have dogs or our kids dogs. They have a special place in our families. This month's problem solve is to capture the relationship we have with canines. Well, not us, but strangers in the Main Street of town.

Rough or Smooth

One of the things we look for in photos is texture.

Old Cranks

6 May 2023

Photograph the Old Cranks display

Beechworth Nightlife

17 June 2023

We're lucky we live in a town that boasts a reasonably clear sky. Let's get out and photograph the firmament. or, stay in town and capture the nightlife.

Life in the Bush

You can't beat life in the bush. Whether it's the natural environment, a place where we work or where we share a supportive, dynamic and friendly community.

Catch the Move

A sporting event provides many opportunities to catch the action on the run. Will we choose a sport and stop it. This could include team sports such as footy or netball or action such as mountain biking or kayaking. What lens, ISO. speed and aperture do we select? The choice is yours!

Big Freeze on Buffalo

19 August 2023

Mount Buffalo is just over an hour from Beechworth and a great place fir winter photography.

The Enchanted Forest

18 February 2023

Welcome to 2023. The first meeting for Beechworth Cameras will be in the Magic Forest near Stanley. We will meet at the Quercus Hall at 10:30am and head out, with all our gear, in convoy to this secret place.

Home. Family & Self

15 April 2023

What surrounds us? Our family, friends and home. How these aspects are defined are up to us. Show pictures to let people know who you are and what makes you.

 "Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still."
Dorothea Lange

Contact Us

Rick Box

Quercus Beechworth

Ford Street

Beechworth VIC 3747

For more info visit our website

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©2023 by Rick Box. Proudly created with

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