Submitting your Photos
To submit photos do the following:
Click the New button
Go to Descriptors and select the appropriate Project
Write a Short Description
Select the date you submitted your photo(s)
Type in your name as the Photographer
In the Long Description box say something about how you composed your shot and the technical aspects of it, e.g. lens, f-stop,speed and ISO. Describe any post processing you may have done
Choose your best photo from the shoot by clicking the Upload best photo and locating it on your computer or phone. The photos MUST be less than 25Mb
Select about three other photos to include in the Gallery by clicking the Upload Gallery Photos
If you want your photos displayed toggle the Display Photos switch
Click the Submit button keeping in mind the photos may take a little while to upload. Be patient. You will get a message that the upload was successful
Click the Gallery button to see your work displayed
Your content has been submitted
Your Best Photo
Please note that uploading can take a minute or two.
Your Gallery Photos
Please note that uploading can take a minute or two.
Your content has been submitted